Negotiations Bring South African Metal to Standstill

Jonathan DeakinNews

The negotiations between the Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa (SEIFSA), the employer’s federation representing the metal industry and the trade unions representing the employees of said federation have come to a standstill after none of the sides could reach an agreement.

Falling Car Sales Concern

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Falling sales in the automobile industry during the first half of 2011 has led to concern in the previous metal industry about a potential fall in demand for metals like platinum, silver and palladium.

Italian Nonferrous Metals Output Rises

Jonathan DeakinNews

Reuters have reported that Italy’s nonferrous metal output, coupled with their nonferrous semi-finished products output, is expected to rise this year thanks to an increase in consumer demand. However the rise will be at a slower pace than projected in 2010.

Vietnamese Objection to Tariff

Jonathan DeakinNews

The Vietnam Steel Association (VSA) have objected to the 3% export tariff that is being imposed by the Ministry of Finance (MOF) on steel products in the country. They believe that the steel tariff is unfair and will unduly affect the steel industry in the country.

Botswana Industry Regulation

Jonathan DeakinNews

Botswana officials are attempting to regulate the country’s scrap metal industry by providing it with a more stable framework in the hopes of diversifying their economy.

Indian Steel Industry Surplus

Jonathan DeakinNews

India’s stainless steel industry will likely see more than one million tonnes of surplus output by the end of the year after domestic producers made massive capacity additions.

Steel Industry in Cancer Link

Jonathan DeakinNews

Over two thousand hospital patients in Sheffield are being studied after it emerged that there was a possible link between cancer victims and the working conditions in Sheffield’s old steel industry.

Stainless Steel Recovery

Jonathan DeakinNews

The on-going recovery of the stainless steel industry to pre-crisis levels is expected to peak between 2012 and 2013 according to a report released recently.

Joplin Tornado May Affect Metal Industry

Jonathan DeakinNews

The tornado that has recently ripped through through the town of Joplin may have unforeseen implications for the metal industry as the town played host to a number of metal companies.

Essar Steel Talks Future

Jonathan DeakinNews

Malay Mukherjee, who is the chief executive officer of Essar Steel, has claimed that his company is now in an ideal position to take advantage of the evolution of the steel industry and he hopes the company can play a part in shaping Indian steel baron Lakshmi Niwas Mittal’s steel empire.